Tour Packages
Package Inclusions
- Round trip use of ‘air conditioned tourist bus(es)’ driven by accredited and licensed tourist bus drivers
- For the prioritized safety and comfort of our client passengers, we only accommodate 49 passengers per bus (no center seat usage)
- Unlimited use of tourist bus facilities such as mini ref, monitor TV with sound system, and entertainment system (videoke with microphone)
- Each tourist bus group will be assisted by skilled and professional tour guides and coordinators, to ensure the smooth, safe and enjoyable travel of all participants
- We provide the services of well-trained medical professionals, and each bus is equipped with its complete medical kit
- Three (3) teachers FREE per tourist bus to accompany the students
- Provision of Bus Seat Plan, copy of Parents’ Permit, and DepEd permit
- Full use of tour paraphernalia from the time of promotion (to inform and convince students to join) up to the duration of the tour (bus tarp)
- Extensive facilitation of local government permits and arrangement of tour itineraries
- Toll Fees, parking fees, itinerary entrance fees or donations will be covered by our company
- Comprehensive insurance coverage for the driver and each passenger, including students, teachers, tour guides, and coordinators
- Travel and tour photos available for free download from our official website and social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram)